Avancon logo
$length) { $string = wordwrap($string, $length); $string = $mb? mb_substr($string, 0, mb_strpos($string, "\n")) : substr($string, 0, strpos($string, "\n")); } return $string; } function clip_string($string, $pos, $length, $total) { global $mb; if($length) { $m = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos, $length) : substr($string, $pos, $length); $before = $mb ? mb_substr($string, 0, $pos) : substr($string, 0, $pos); $after = $mb ? mb_substr($string, $pos + $length, mb_strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)) : substr($string, $pos + $length, strlen($string) - ($pos + $length)); $before = rev_string($before); if($total < strlen($string)) { $half = intval(($total - $length) / 2); } else { $half = $total; } $hlPre = ''; $hlPost = ''; $out = htmlentities(rev_string(word_trunc($before, $half))) . $hlPre . htmlentities($m) . $hlPost . htmlentities(word_trunc($after, $half)); return $out; } else { return htmlentities(word_trunc($string, $total)); } } if(count($searchResults) == 0) { $result = '



'; $result = str_replace('{title}', htmlentities('Nessun risultato'), $result); $result = str_replace('{text}', '', $result); echo $result; } else { echo ''; foreach($searchResults as $searchResult) { $result = '



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The Book

„Avant-garde Conveyor Concepts“

Change to avancon Conveyor Concepts

A new book, 192 pages, ca. 500 images 

and detailed descriptions 

of all products and applications

avancon conveyor concept book, request your copy

This book gives you an insight into the soul of avancon. You will see and feel how we tick and think.

It also shows many applications and references that have already been built worldwide with the avant-garde conveyor concepts. 

And most importantly, you will learn how the ingenious details animate the entire designs. 

We are constantly thinking about how to bring you great, modern and avant-garde conveyors that are perfect, simple and yet highly efficient. This is our passion. 

The original size is 297 x 297 mm

Also, you can have a look from here directly into this book:

If nothing ever changed there’d be no Butterflies


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CH-6595 Riazzino /Switzerland
+41 (0)91 222 10 10  - relations@avancon.com

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